As a member of the Friends group, I will promote the conservation mission of the refuges and the national wildlife refuge system by:
Proudly communicating to the public the importance of this mission and the value of our refuges and the national refuge system
Modeling appropriate behavior that minimizes human impact while in the refuges
Without confrontations, monitoring public use of the refuges to help insure proper visitation and enjoyment
Respecting the diversity of legitimate usages of the refuges that include hunting, fishing, birding, hiking, biking, and kayaking/canoeing, to identify a few
Leaving archeological sites undisturbed
Refraining from collecting flowers, plants, fossils, or artifacts
Enjoying the wildlife in their natural setting without feeding or molesting
Leaving no trash behind
Providing input and feedback to the refuge staff
Being careful to represent or promote only activities that are endorsed by the friends board and refuge management
Understanding and obeying the laws/rules governing the use of the refuges