Fox Squirrel photo by Larry Woodward
Biting Arthropods of the Lower Suwannee NWR
Wonder what's biting you? Read the fascinating stories of the insects you are likely to encounter in the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge. |
Bats of the Refuge
The bat house off Headquarters Drive (NW 31st Place, Chiefland, 32626) is home to approximately 30,000 bats. Most evenings they put on a spectacular show as they emerge to eat some of the biting insects you learned about in our Arthropod series. |
Bird List for the Lower Suwannee and Cedar Keys NWRs
A guide and life list for birds in the area. |
94 species of butterflies have been verified on the Refuge. Lots of butterflies indicate a healthy ecosystem. Learn more...
Florida Salt March Vole
Only found in the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge and near Cedar Key, this small rodent is endangered. |