The Friends booth will be open for purchases when the doors open. We have the new Passports for the National Wildlife Refuges. Each of the more than 500 refuges is listed with a place for you to get a stamp from the refuge when you go to visit it. We also will have new t-shirts and other items for sale.
The program will begin at 10:00 AM and include an overview of Friends 2016 accomplishments and 2017 plans. The Slate of Officers and Directors will be elected.
After our always wonderful lunch (contributed desserts would be welcomed!), we will have guided walks of the River Trail and the Tram Ridge Trail, and a demonstration of our Bioblitz techniques.
In Suwannee Tues., February 21 @ 6 p.m. - Suwannee Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Savanna Barry from the UF Nature Coast Biological Station in Cedar Key returns to talk to us about their seagrass monitoring program & why it is important to us in Suwannee and surrounding areas. Anyone who makes their living on the water or is interested in our natural environment is encouraged to attend. FREE program. Coffee & cookies. Thurs., March 2 @ 6 p.m. - location TBA UF/IFAS Researcher Peter Frederick will talk about ongoing work to restore shrinking oyster reefs and thereby help coastal ecosystems and economies become more resilient. FREE program. Anyone who makes their living on the water or is interested in our natural environment is encouraged to attend. Coffee & cookies. For more information please contact Jane Connors at Suwannee Library Technical Center - [email protected] 352.542.8320. At the Cedar Key Public Library Jack Putz -- Coastal Ecosystem Change in Florida
Thurs., February 16 @ 5:00 p.m. Dr. Jane Brockman -- Horseshoe Crabs Sat., February 18 @ 10:30 a.m Janell Brush and Joseph Marchionno -- Oystercatchers Thurs., February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. Vic Doig -- Florida Black Bears in the Big Bend Thurs., March 2 @ 5:00 p.m. The 2017 Friends Annual Meeting and Refuge Open House of the Friends of the Lower Suwannee & Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuges will be on Saturday, March 4 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Refuge Headquarters near Fowlers Bluff, off highway 347.
An overview of last year's Annual Meeting can be seen here. Again this year, the Annual Meeting will feature a Photo Contest dedicated to the memory of the late Bill Killborn. Bill was a talented local photographer and web designer who donated many hours to the Friends group. We are asking for donated photos to be judged and then auctioned off. Proceeds will fund Friends projects throughout the coming year. Anyone is welcome to enter, regardless of Friends membership or level of photography experience. Entrants are invited to join Friends (your membership covers an excellent luncheon) but it is not required. Guidelines for participating:
For further information please call Bill at 314-918-0720 or Anne at 573-341-8330 or email [email protected] The Natural Pine Forest trail, a feature marked B in the FWS Dixie Mainline Trail Guide is easier to hike thanks to Jason Coates and several Suwannee residents. This 1.2 mile long down-and-back trail has a variety of habitats including a fresh water pond and a marsh view of Shired Island at the end.
December 2024
Friends of the Lower Suwannee & Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuges
P. O. Box 532 Cedar Key, FL 32625 [email protected] We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. |